Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Birthday from Erica

An Original Poem :)

Crystal you were beyond a pro because you came after Kari
she probably mentally prepared you that this job would be scary
From CVS to target and on to applebees
the best was when we saw scary (not really) and chick flick movies
I think you helped me on homework and deciding on my goals and journey
I guess we were productive, watching love birds Dwayne and Whitley
I hated when you and your family moved so far away
you didn't get see me off to college or grad school where I am today
I know you're proud of me even though you live far
I hope you visit soon so I can finally drive you around in a car
I hope you have an amazing birthday because I think my rhyming skills are done
Enjoy today and everyday for you are a special one!

Love you Crystal! Happy 28th Birthday!!

Erica Riba

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