Thursday, December 8, 2011

Help us Celebrate Crystal!


You are receiving this message because you are someone who Crystal loves, or someone that loves Crystal, or the more likely answer of both. Her 28th Birthday is right around the corner (Dec 20th) and we want to do something extra special for her so she knows how much she’s loved. We’re making a blog and want to fill it with things from all of you.

We need your creativity. We are taking just about anything, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Poems
  • Silly/Sweet messages
  • Pictures
  • Videos
  • Voice recordings (
  • Even just a "Happy Birthday, Crystal" message

Whatever you can come up with, we want to see it. Crystal is so awesome and does so much for everyone that we want to show her just how much we love her.

  • Everything needs to be sent in by 11:59pm December 18th. Of course the earlier the better.
  • All you have to do is email what you want posted to
  • Also, help us spread the word, if someone doesn't know about this feel free to forward the email, just be careful not to let Crystal find out.

If you have any questions let us know that too!

xoxo - Kari and Briana

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